Turkish American Association of California, Sacramento Chapter, welcomes you to the great city of Sacramento.
Welcome to the capital of California.
If you do not find the answers to your question, you can try to reach us via email at membership@taaca.org or via voice mail at (530) 507 TURK. If we can help you with your question, we will try to get back to you within 7 days.
Kalifornia Turk Amerikan Dernegi, Sacramento Subesi size "Sacramento'ya Hosgeldiniz' der.
Kalifornia eyaletinin bas kentine hosgeldiniz.
Burada cevap bulamadiginiz bir sorunuz var ise bize email ile membership@taaca.org uzerinden veya telefon mesaji ile (530) 507 TURK numarasindan ulasabilirsiniz. Cevap verebilecegimiz konular da size 7 gun icinde geri donmeye calisacagiz.
Turkish Associations
Turkish American Association of California, Sacramento Chapter has a Facebook page where you can reach to the community in an open forum. Click
here to visit.
University of California, Davis Campus, Turkish Students Association can also be reached through their Facebook group page. Click
here to visit.
US Population
307.007 million (July 2009)
36.962 million (July 2009)
Sacramento Country
1.394 million (July 2008)
Together with surrounding countries, population of the Greater Sacramento is over 2.000 million people.
Turkish American community, although no statistics available, is believed to be about 1,000 people in Greater Sacramento.
Things to do
Here is a great site to help you plan your leisure time in Sacramento.
Thing to do.
This page is under development. If you have any suggestions for useful information for visitors, students or new comers to our city, please write to webmaster at webmaster@taaca.org